3D Animation Pipeline

The pipeline is the workflow adopted by the industry throughout the pre production, production and post production process. Certain programs are better built towards the pipeline than others, therefore programs like Maya are preferred as they are more compatible with the pipeline work flow. The pipeline begins with the Director, who is responsible for vision […]

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From the information i have gathered from my peers, I can now see clearly what worked out well and what could do with improvements. One of the more successful aspects with my animation was the innovative use of the obstacle course, such as the destruction of the wall. This allowed me to be a bit […]

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  I also made an additional Animation in my own time which is more mechanical and less organic but combines compositing software such as Aftereffects with the work flow. This was achieved by adding a muzzle flash to the weapon and some other visual effects throughout the animation. This was designed to look more aesthetically […]

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Animation Practise

To begin with the animation process by looking at my planning sheet. This would act as a guide for where certain poses would take place on the obstacle course. Once the rig had been the setup I manipulated the position of each joint to get the character into a more natural position which would look […]

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Making the Character (Autodesk Tools)

Autodesk Character Generator Autodesk developed this tool in 2014 in an effort to make character creation more accessible to users. Creating a character from scratch could take up to several months and would require the user to demonstrate skills and knowledge in order to successfully develop a character from scratch. This tool completely removes this […]

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Assembly Line animation

This project gave me the opportunity to expand my knowledge of animation within Maya, looking more in-depth at the 12 principles of animation and how that will affect my decisions in going about making the animation.   To begin with the Animationassembly I started blocking in the keyframes for the alien. I achieved this by […]

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Finding Dory

  Finding Dory featured an Octopus which became the focus for a lot of the production team simply due to the complexity of the individual character, from the way it moved to how it looked and behaved. Octopuses in the real world don’t have a skeleton, therefore tech artists such as riggers at Pixar animation […]

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Making a basic arm Rig

I started with making the geometry that would form the arm, starting with the shoulder joint. Each of the joints would be pivot points for the arm, therefore a sphere would be most appropriate for this. For the upper and lower arms, I used a cylinder which had been rotated along the X axis to […]

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Moving Objects and Bouncing Ball

I set the starting key frame which positioned the ball along the Y axis, This will allow for the ball to build up momentum in anticipation for the bounce. Next i key framed in the key position, considering the timing and spacing between each of the positions. However this looked very robotic at first therefore […]

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