Evaluation & End result

Looking back over the production process of my character and the final outcome, I had to make a lot of decisions in ensuring a quality result given the time frame. Overall I’m satisfied with the end result, one of my biggest challenges was reducing noise, the other was to get the skin looking satisfactory within […]

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Write Up

Week 1/2 For the production of this project, I utilised a range of different software which would handle specific throughout the making of the character. I began by sculpting the base mesh of my character Zbrush which is the industry standard for SubD modelling within the VFX and Games industry. I began the sculpt with […]

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Design and Development

For the Character I needed to draw out some concepts first prior to doing any 3D work. Having a solid 2D concept drawn out in advance will help with planning the 3D work, such as body proportions and scale. Secondly, the concept would serve as something to refer back to while making the 3D model. […]

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Game Review .

9.6/10 Synopsis & Review You play as Rocket Power Colt who has a troubling past with the Military and has since been assigned to carry out a top secret mission which aims to collapse one of the most ruthless and tyrannical governments in the world which is recklessly seeking for total control. With an iron […]

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Story Telling history

Story telling has been around for thousands of years since the beginning of humanity. Along with human’s evolving and adapting the methods and application of story telling have changed, from the age of the caveman and many other ancient cultures. Rock Art is believed to be one of the oldest forms of story telling, heavily […]

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Rex – Main Character Rebel Technician Following on from the Kaiser’s fortress, rex receives a beacon from a remote location 5 km out from his current location. Rex Arrives at the location and meets with the rebels where he is confronted by one of them. This begins a negotiation process between the two sides. Rex […]

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3D Animation Pipeline

The pipeline is the workflow adopted by the industry throughout the pre production, production and post production process. Certain programs are better built towards the pipeline than others, therefore programs like Maya are preferred as they are more compatible with the pipeline work flow. The pipeline begins with the Director, who is responsible for vision […]

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