Game Review .


Synopsis & Review

You play as Rocket Power Colt who has a troubling past with the Military and has since been assigned to carry out a top secret mission which aims to collapse one of the most ruthless and tyrannical governments in the world which is recklessly seeking for total control. With an iron grip on its people its been able to expand its nuclear arsenal by 2000% in just under a decade.

A revolution has since sparked in the nation…

FireStarter Is an open world third person shooter which encourages destruction and chaos to be caused throughout it’s vast open world. The game itself provides a compelling role play experience for the player, allowing them to mould the character down a variety of different paths making the narrative structure unique for everyone who plays.

The game provides a lot for the player to explore and interact with throughout the open world. However, could have a better plot and set of character arcs. The lack of character development could makes it harder to relate or care as much about characters throughout the story. However, the plot always keeps the player on their toes with each decision, leading to unpredictable events with occur throughout the narrative.

The open world features a range of biomes all facilitating a series of sub biomes. Featuring grasslands, rainforests, deserts, mountain ranges and the capital city along with dozens of military installations enabling the government to force its rule upon the land.

The range of biomes provide their own set of challenges for the player, with the deserts there’s a constant threat of sand storms which reduces visibility considerably making it difficult for Rocket to plan his assaults upon bases and convoys. Mountain ranges share a similar challenge of blizzards, however, due to the sub-zero temperatures they can cause mechanical issues with larger weapons such as machine guns causing them to freeze up occasionally. This ensures the game experience outside of the story is kept thrilling and unpredictable for the player

The game isnt short in supply of things to do throughout the open world. One of the game’s most ambitious features is the wingsuit and grappling hook combo which together form one of the most effective and enjoyable traversal systems allowing the player to fly around the open world.

Unlike a vehicle this is a mechanical feature that’s constantly attached to the character. This enables the player to quickly manoeuvre around the map without the need of a vehicle. This is one the game’s many niche features along with the dynamic weather system. This mechanic, keeps the game fun even in places where the player would least expect it.

The highly non-linear story and unpredictable open world gameplay constantly keeps the player on their feet. The game can become unique for everyone who plays it, keeping it spontaneous and exhilarating. Other than some weak character arcs, FireStarter succeeds in being an action packed title.

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